Sleep Education


Baby Sleep

With newborns, the saying “sleeping like a baby” may seem more ironic than realistic. Newborn babies typically have a very different sleep cycle from their new parents.


Bed Wetting

Enuresis, or bed wetting, is common and often runs in families. It may occur in children with increased urine production at night, smaller bladders, and even decreased neurological awareness of bladder distension.



Seasonal affective disorder is a disorder that usually causes depression in the fall and winter months in women. It is associated with increased sleep and increased appetite, especially carbohydrate cravings.

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Driving Precautions

When You are Sleepy, Do NOT drive!

Impaired Driving is the same as Drunk Driving.


Home Sleep Study

Home sleep testing, unlike laboratory testing, is limited by the portability and the need for easy self-application of the equipment.


Head Banging

Frequent, regular, and repeated movements may be the sign of a sleep disorder. Movements which are provoked by discomfort, pain or numbness are also abnormal.



Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep.


Insufficient Sleep

You can be sleep deprived of all stages of sleep or can be sleep deprived of a particular stage of sleep.


Office Sleep Study

Polysomnography is also known as a sleep study. When a sleep study is performed in a sleep lab, extensive external monitoring is performed during sleep.


Jet Lag

Jet lag is a physiological condition that results from alterations to the body's circadian rhythms caused by rapid long-distance trans-meridian.



Narcolepsy is a disorder of both impaired wakefulness and impaired sleep. It is often not diagnosed until young adulthood or middle age.



Nightmares are unpleasant dreams which may awaken the sleeper during the night and are usually remembered in the morning.


Restless Leg

There is a broad range of medical problems that can lead to leg discomfort and pain.

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Shift Work, Sleepy Teens

Many people will describe themselves as preferring to be awake and active in the morning (larks) or in the evening (owls).

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Sleep and Sudden Death

Most people when asked will state that dying in their sleep may be preferable as sleep is seen as a peaceful state and slipping from sleep to death may be a “good way to go.”

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Sleep Eating

It is not normal to wake up hungry and need to eat during the 5-7 hours that the average person is sleeping.

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Sleep Walking

Sleepwalking or somnambulism occurs when a person gets out of bed and proceeds to do daytime activities while appearing to be asleep.

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Snoring and sleep apnea is a condition where during sleep the muscles of the airway relax and collapse shut, cutting off the oxygen supply to the heart and brain.